Bar la Hulotte

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1F Ono BLDG, 3-12-34 Motoazabu, Minato-ku,Tokyo

There are many bars for ficionados of drinking in the roppongi neighborhood. Some are perfect for going solo, have nice scenery of Tokyo at night or a bartender that incessantly provides you with witful anectodes. But this one has its unique characteristic; it's THE bar for dates. Dim but not dull lights, the sophisticated bartender (sometime he seems more attractive than your actual date, but that's not what I want to discuss), the cocktails with freshly squeezed fruits will make you dazy and let yourself go. (in a good way)
Average rating from usersAverage rating from usersAverage rating from usersAverage rating from usersAverage rating from users
Opening time
8pm-3am(LO 2:30)
Average price

Non-smoking seats not available

Editorial Review

Bar la Hulotte

Published on July 27th, 2011
There is no review available for this restaurant.