La Tour d’Argent


Hotel New Otani 1F, 4-1 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku

Four centuries of French cuisine
Opening time
5:30pm - 10:30pm (L.O.8:30pm)
Average price
Closed Mondays

Non-smoking seats availablePets not allowed

Editorial Review

La Tour d’Argent

Published on June 22nd, 2015

Famed for 430 years of authentic French cuisine, La Tour d’Argent now celebrates its 30th year in Japan with a world-class feast at its New Otani location. Executive chef Renaud Augier serves up the Paris branch’s exquisite signature menu, including Caneton Marco Polo au poivre vert (roast duckling with green pepper) and Mosaique de Saint-Jacques et legumes au caviar (scallops with vegetables and caviar).